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December 2020 saw Fire and Emergency reach out for feedback on their plans for their Behaviour and Conduct Office and we encouraged members to provide input; we were pleased to see the engagement of many members with this proposal via the Consider This platform.


United Fire Brigades’ Association (UFBA) Independent Appointed Director Brenda Pilott has retired from her position on the UFBA Board.

Top ten

Revisit the top 10 achievements of 2020 as featured in our January 2021 newsletter.

See here

First updates of 2021

Sent to subscribers 6 January 2021 - Including a recap on 2020, play your part in a working group, new Fire Shop now open, update from the Board and all dates for Challenge season registrations.


6 January 2021

The Board would like to advise Members that the CEO has been reinstated. 

This follows an independent process that was set up but unable to proceed in full.


You can find a link to the latest Annual Report and Financial Statements 2019-20 - sent to all member brigades in October 2020 - here.