As an association we rely on you - our members - to inform and influence decisions that impact you in your roles. We do this through:
- Consultation - to inform submissions
- Working group representatives - to directly inform and influence change initiatives
- Technical support groups - to help inform working group reps
- Membership Advisory Panel - to take members' issues to the UFBA Board and help appoint representatives
- Brigade representatives - share information to and from the UFBA and their brigade
- Provincial Associations and sector networks - share information to and from the UFBA and their members
The Membership Advisory Panel (MAP)
Consisting of the elected officers and a rural representative, this group acts as a liaison between members and the Board allowing your issues to be put forward for consideration under our sector advocacy role. Read more about the MAP here.
Working groups
As a trusted partner in the sector Fire and Emergency often approach the UFBA to provide working group members. The role is often voluntary and can work online or in person. The UFBA also run our own working groups to inform our decisions.
How does the UFBA determine who represents members views?
We invite all members to apply for vacancy which we will promote on our website or social media. In order to allow for multiple perspectives we establish Technical Support Groups to help inform the views of the working group representative so there are many ways you can provide input.
For issues of national significance where a formal consultation is required we go out to membership with surveys to inform submissions.
Our Terms of Reference for UFBA representatives highlight the need to be all inclusive, consider who is most impacted and ensure there is consideration given to the needs of volunteers. You can view these Terms of Reference here.