Applying for Service Honours
Your CFO or Secretary can order service honours at any time; however, they will not be sent until closer to the recipient’s completion date (of time served).
Ordering awards
- To check costs, see our current 2024 prices
- Complete the application forms and email them to:
- For multiple applications, you only need to fill in the brigade details once
- Please check spelling and whether full name/middle names are required for certificates.
- Orders for medals should be submitted at least three months before the presentation date.
- Orders for bars/certificates should be submitted at least one month before the presentation date (you can order bars as required or for the whole year).
- When we receive the application forms we’ll email you an invoice
- Our bank account number is on the invoice
- We check the eligibility of each recipient
- When payment is received, we send the order to our supplier:
- Unless requested otherwise, orders will be delivered approximately a month before your function
- If there is no presentation date, we work to our supplier’s schedule for delivery
- Certificates are sent from the UFBA office
- If a FENZ gift is required, order it through the FENZ portal.
- Unless requested otherwise, we schedule orders to be delivered 4 - 6 weeks before the presentation date (if there is no date, we work to our supplier's schedule for delivery).
UFBA-FRFANZ service honours
The UFBA and FRFANZ (Forest and Rural Fire Association of New Zealand) merged in 2020. This involved aligning the two sets of service awards and starting to transition towards one set for all members (UFBA service awards were chosen).
FRFANZ members can choose to wear:
- FRFANZ awards only (for 25 years)
- UFBA awards only (this will involve a cost for replacement medals/bars)
- Their existing FRFANZ awards with new UFBA awards
Payment for events costs are shared:
- The brigade pays for UFBA awards (50-Year Medal and Gold Star are subsidised by UFBA) – the FENZ brigade grant can be used for this purpose
- Brigade pays for accommodation, if required, for UFBA representative and/or Provincial Association or Gold Star Association representative
- UFBA pays for UFBA presenter’s travel
- If a 50-Year Medal or Gold Star candidate served the greater part of their service in another Brigade, that Brigade may pay a share of the medal cost, but this is a matter for resolution between the Brigades concerned.