Mobilise the Membership

Volunteer officials at Waterway 2019NC
UFBA volunteers contribute more than 8,000 hours a year collectively to support our services. We have many ways for you to mobilise the membership, whether you have a little or a lot of time to give. These roles offer you a chance to mobilise your brigades within your communities and your association, build networks, improve your professional and personal development and engage closely with peers across the sector. Our volunteers support our charitable purposes by connecting, advancing, recognising and supporting all members.

Here's how you can get involved:

Advocate for volunteer firefighters to your local officials

  • As voices in your communities, we encourage our members to arrange meetings with local MPs, or people of influence, to help inform them about the size and impact of Fire and Emergency's volunteer workforce.
  • Advocate for the needs of your brigade and our wider membership, such as training and equipment needs, and ACC support.
  • Invite local people of influence to your brigade open days, trainings and events. 
  • We can help you have these conversations. For talking points, email
  • You can also refer to our Hidden in Plain Sight report for more information and the 2024 economic valuation of New Zealand's Volunteer Fire Force - 

Spread the UFBA message in your community

UFBA Brigade Representatives Network

  • This network is essential to our direct connection with Member Brigades. Each brigade should have a nominated UFBA Brigade Rep who supports the communication in and out of brigades with the UFBA.
  • If your brigade does not have a UFBA Brigade Rep and would like more information about the role, please email and we will send you the details.

Help run Challenge events

UFBA Challenges are exciting competitions that improve the skills our members use in real-life callouts. The dedication and camaraderie our members bring to these events make an unforgettable experience for members and helpers alike.

  • Local Organising Committee and hosts help us bring the events to their area and support the local logistics in running our popular events for your community. Find out more about this role here.
  • Officials and helpers keep things ticking over smoothly and safely on the tracks on the day. Register your interest in being an Official here.
  • Challenge Panel (formerly Technical Panel) oversees the running and planning of the events, led by the Challenge Panel Leader. Terms run for two years.


Join a working group, technical support group or committee

  • The UFBA is often invited to provide a volunteer or wider membership lens on new FENZ initiatives or changes.
  • We rely on the input of our members with a diverse range of experience, from brigades all over Aotearoa, to ensure we represent the voice of our entire membership.
  • We will call for representatives on behalf of the membership (we provide a terms of reference). Keep an eye on our website or social media for openings.

Provide support as an advocacy volunteer

  • Our network of trained Volunteer Support Advocates provide local and on-the-ground support to those the UFBA are supporting through advocacy cases. They are senior and experienced brigade personnel offering a guide-by-your-side service.  
  • If you would like to know more about becoming an advocacy volunteer, email 

Roles requiring nomination


  • The UFBA Board of Directors are all volunteers who nominate themselves at AGMs for the role of Director. Any member is welcome to bring their professional skills to the governance team by nominating themselves for a vacancy and terms run for three years.
  • Vice President and MAP member - act as a key representative embracing and demonstrating the good values of our association. The role progresses after one year to President and then retains a further third year role as Immediate Past President on the Membership Advisory Panel (see here). This is much more than a ceremonial role, acting as a liaison connecting between members and the Board. Each year through AGM any member is welcome to nominate themselves for this role, which offers a great opportunity to travel the country representing the UFBA.
  • Past Presidents, VP and President and other former and current officers maintain an ongoing relationship with the UFBA in helping present our 25 Year Gold Star and 50 Year Service Medal honours - all will have previously been a nominated official elected at an AGM.