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Case solved

Alongside our sector advocacy and individual advocacy services for complaints and disputes, we are also constantly working with members to advocate for operational matters.

Challenge Panel Vacancy

We have a vacancy in the UFBA Challenge Panel for the upcoming 2024-2025 Challenge Season.


The UFBA Annual Report 2022/23 is now available


Over the next two weeks, Bill Butzbach, UFBA CEO is having his second round of online meetings with all UFBA Brigade Reps, by region.

Volunteers voice

On Wednesday 6 September, a report was issued from FENZ which shows what FENZ has done and plans to do, to address the 20 recommendations made in the Te Kawa Mataaho – Public Service Commission review (PSC report) to improve the culture of FENZ.

Existing leaders

Kia ora members,

Over the past seven weeks, we have received a significant amount of feedback from members expressing their concerns around eligibility to attend the Emerging Leaders Conference Hui.

Inc Societies

Last year, we gave members a heads-up about the new Incorporated Societies Act 2022 coming into effect and we have been working to gather more information about how the changes might affect some of our member brigades.

In summary:


The countdown is on…

Have your meeting
Time is running out to have your brigade meeting and nominate your AGM Delegate and Emerging Leader Representative.
Remember, this doesn’t need to be a formal meeting, just any gathering as long as it is minuted.


AGM & Conf 2023

Kia ora koutou

Our dedicated Events Team of three people have been working hard, calling all brigades directly, to help clarify the separation of our AGM and Conference Hui, discuss the reasoning and what our pressures are.


Fire and Emergency have issued a national notice regarding potential BA mask communication issues.


On Tuesday 25 July, Fire and Emergency released their consultation document outlining options for a new way of managing complaints.

AGM Motions

Kia ora members, just a reminder that any brigade wishing to submit a Motion to the AGM must complete the Notice of Motion form and send it to us by 3 August.

The form is available on our website:

AGM Conf - 208

Attention all members! We need your help to reach quorum.

Last year, you voted to have a 30% quorum for our AGM – this means we need at least 208 registered voting delegates to be able to go ahead with this important meeting.

volunteer training

The UFBA’s approach to driving positive change is to work collaboratively with the decision-makers.

AGM Conf - quote

Register now for the 145th UFBA AGM and the UFBA Emerging Leaders Conference Hui at the Michael Fowler Centre in Wellington.

LSGC Medals

Following our AGM last year, where members voted in favour of extending the UFBA Service Honours to include the same recognition for all brigade members – operational, operational support and non-operational, the UFBA then approached Fire and Emergency to consider applying similar criteria for th

AGM & Conf Banner v2

We are excited to open registrations for our 145th AGM and our Emerging Leaders Conference Hui which will be held at the Michael Fowler Centre, 111 Wakefield Street, Wellington.


Check out this awesome story from Wairarapa Times-Age about the Martinborough Volunteer Fire Brigade and their Medical First Response Service being recognised in the Fire and Emergency Ngā Tohu Raukura Awards: ‘Life-saving’ work receives recognition - Wairarapa Times-Age

UFBA media release: 20/06/2023 - National Volunteer Week

This Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu National Volunteer Week, the United Fire Brigade’s Association is sending a loud and proud shout-out to the more-than 12,000 volunteers that make up the bulk of the brigades around the country.


The UFBA Membership Advisory Panel are seeking a UFBA Representative to join the Fire and Emergency Code of Practise Firefighting Water Supplies (CoPFFWS) Working Group.

AGM & Conf

Influential leadership is the key to activating brigades and getting the best out of your team.


The United Fire Brigades’ Association of NZ (UFBA) is calling for New Zealand’s ACC legislation to be amended so the country’s 12,000 volunteer firefighters are covered for occupational illness and diseases they incur as part of their duties.

Firefighter ACC Occupational Diseases

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) opened for submissions to add or change the list of occupational diseases covered by ACC.


The UFBA Membership Advisory Panel are seeking a UFBA Representative to join the Fire and Emergency SF49 Firefighters Personal Protective Equipment Standards Committee.


Check out this story from Radio New Zealand - featuring a few of our members who competed over the weekend!


UFBA Challenges

Today, 4 May, is recognised around the world as International Firefighters Day. Today the United Fire Brigades’ Association (UFBA) celebrates the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to protect us from over 85,000 fires and other emergencies, every day.

RCR Cancelled

Kia ora members

In March we opened registrations for the 2023 UFBA Road Crash Rescue on our website and advertised through our social media, database and networks.


As part of our work on the ACC project and our valued new relationship with Barbara Edmonds, Minister of Internal Affairs, the UFBA are excited that today at 0900hrs the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment called for public submissions for conditions that should be added to the Acciden

Blur truck

We would like to thank the membership for their messages overnight and acknowledge that while we allow comments on some of our posts, our policy remains to turn comments off, and we are constantly reviewing this.

Blur truck

We’re disappointed to see the NZPFU is demanding volunteer firefighters don’t ‘mingle’ with career firefighters at courses aiming to train firefighters in water rescue techniques.

The NZPFU’s update to members entitled ‘Specialist Water Response Force Training’ states:

RCR rego open

Our Challenges are in full swing, and yes, we're bringing you more...

Registrations for the 2023 UFBA Road Crash Rescue are now open!


The UFBA Membership Advisory Panel are seeking a UFBA Representative to join the Fire and Emergency National Safety, Health and Wellbeing Committee.