End of Year Message
Kia ora members
Thank you all for an amazing year.
It’s been fantastic to connect with so many of you throughout this year. The UFBA team has enjoyed getting to know more members, seeing new and familiar faces, responding to your needs, sharing stories and strengthening our unity.
As you’ll see below from some of our highlights, it’s been a very busy year for us and we will continue this momentum, plus bring more value to our members, over the coming year.
I know this can be a busy season for some of our members as you continue to be on-call 24/7, but I hope you stay safe, look after yourselves, and make the most of any time with family and friends.
The UFBA office will be closed from 4.30pm Wednesday 20 December 2023 and reopening at 8.30am Monday 8 January 2024. Members can still call the office if there is an emergency as we will have skeleton staff on-call to support you.
I look forward to seeing you in 2024.
Kia kaha, kia kotahi ra.
Our strength is our unity.
Ngā mihi
Bill Butzbach
We also progressed some major sector advocacy work:
We made a submission to Ministry of Business and Innovation to include 38 occupational illness and injuries in Schedule 2 of ACC, which are specific to firefighters, and to recognise volunteer firefighters as a unique group in the ACC Act.
We established our working group to co-design the new Volunteer Engagement Model with FENZ, and
appointed 10 members to be part of the FENZ Eke Taumata Advisory Group to support the programme of work to give effect to the recommendations of the Public Service Commission review into FENZ’s workplace culture and complaints handling processes.
Our CEO held three bi-monthly online meetings with Brigade Reps and identified over 30 operational-related advocacy action points.
We supported the establishment of the new East Coast Provincial Fire Brigades’ Association, and
attended the Provincial AGMs and Fire and Emergency Regional Brigade Leaders Conferences.
So what’s coming in 2024? |
Greater networks, more connections, more opportunities, more advocacy and better outcomes for our members We’ll continue working with our all our members; Brigade Leaders, Brigade Reps, Provincials, Sub-Associations, working groups, as well as partners, stakeholders and Ministers, to drive positive change. We have big plans for 2024, so watch this space as we keep members updated with what we’re doing for you. |