
CE's Sign Scope for Volunteer Engagement Model

Issue date:

On Wednesday, UFBA CE Bill Butzbach and FENZ CE Kerry Gregory signed the scope to phase one of the Volunteer Engagement Model project. This historic moment demonstrates the commitment from both CEs to deliver on this important work for our volunteers.

A variety of feedback was received, which the UFBA and the project team acknowledge and consider important for the overall project’s success. The feedback was largely in support of the proposed scope. As a result, no changes have been made, and it has now been confirmed. This has been summarised below and will be incorporated throughout the project:

• Clear, tangible outcomes need to be defined for the project to succeed. Thorough consideration is needed to ensure that any changes will remain robust under pressure.

• Effective and meaningful communication and engagement with all volunteers, including through the relevant volunteer associations, will be critical to the success of the project. 

• Linkages to other internal work programmes will need to be incorporated, such as the Eke Taumata Programme (including the Code of Conduct and Brigade Leader Development and Review process).

• Any proposed agreements are two-way, and brigades will seek to retain aspects that are important to them.

• There is potential for differing opinions and robust discussions throughout the project; all parties should involve themselves in a way that upholds each other’s mana. 

• The work must endeavour to further brigade unification.

• Previously, this work (called the agreements of service and model rules project) has been paused, it is important that the project is seen through to completion. 

• The project needs to be alert to and clearly identify and communicate how, if at all, any proposed changes affect individual brigades' ability to meet the requirements of the Charities Act 2005 and Incorporated Societies Act 2022.

Below is the signed scope and you can find full details on the FENZ portal - Volunteer Engagement Model | The Portal (fireandemergency.nz)