Members, have your say on the new processes for Volunteer Leaders
Members, you need to have your say on the new processes for Volunteer Leaders!
As you are aware, FENZ is required under the FENZ Act to consult with volunteers on all matters that might substantially affect them.
FENZ’s proposed five-year term for new Volunteer Brigade Leaders and supporting processes is definitely a change that will affect all volunteers in some way.
FENZ is proposing to introduce a five-year term for all new volunteer brigade leader appointments, with a right of renewal. Roles included are Volunteer Chief Fire Officers, Deputy Chief Fire Officers, Controllers, Deputy Controllers, Brigade OIC, and Brigade 2IC. FENZ is asking for feedback on the selection criteria for new volunteer leaders, the annual development processes to help volunteer leaders learn and grow, and how renewal and non-renewal will work.
This proposal is part of FENZ’s response to the recommendations in the Te Kawa Mataaho | Public Service Commission 2022 Review, which were accepted in full and are now being delivered by the Eke Taumata Programme.
This programme of work is from Recommendation 6 in the Review, which states: “All new Chief Fire Officer appointments should be for a term of five years, with rights of renewal. Renewal should be subject to a review that considers past performance, including role modelling the desired culture, leadership and people management.”
Today, FENZ began its consultation on these changes, and we strongly encourage members to read the consultation documents and send their feedback to FENZ. You can find the consultation document on the FENZ portal - (no login required).
The UFBA will also be making a submission, and we welcome members to send us a copy of their feedback to so we can accurately respond on behalf of the membership.