FENZ Volunteer Brigade Leader Development and Review process is live
Kia ora members, we are sharing the below update from FENZ National Commander, Russell Wood on the Volunteer Brigade Leader Development and Review process.

Kia ora koutou,
I’m pleased to announce that the five-year renewable term for newly appointed volunteer brigade leaders is now live. This is a significant milestone as we seek to improve the support available to our volunteer brigade leaders in their essential roles.
The official start date for these processes was 1 November 2024, coinciding with the UFBA conference over the weekend, which gave attendees the opportunity to ask questions and access information.
Appointments of volunteer brigade leaders from 1 November 2024 will be for a five-year renewable term. Existing brigade leaders will be offered the opportunity to opt in from early 2025, to allow time for Group Managers to get across the new processes.
To support you with any initial questions you might have about this project, above is an updated Question and Answer document. If you have further questions, I recommend registering for one of the online briefings listed below.
Online Briefings
The project team will host a series of online briefings open to anyone in the organisation. These 30-minute sessions will cover the main points of the new processes and provide an opportunity for you to ask questions. You can also submit questions anonymously prior to the briefing through the form included in each registration link. Below are the November briefing dates, with additional timeslots coming for December and early 2025.
November briefing timeslots:
- Tuesday 12 November - 2pm
- Friday 15 November - 10am
- Monday 18 November - 7pm
- Tuesday 19 November - 4.30pm
- Wednesday 20 November - 12.30pm
Click here to register to attend a briefing
If you can’t attend any of the listed times, use this form to submit a question directly to the project team or to request an email when December timeslots are available.
Volunteer Brigade Leadership hub on the Portal
A “how-do-I?” hub of information, guidelines, and templates to support our people through these new processes is now available via the Portal (no log in required). Here you will find information on:
- Guidance to recruit a volunteer brigade leader
- Support and development guidance
- Renewal and non-renewal guidance and documents
- Succession planning
- Mentoring
- Opt-in information for existing leaders
Head to the "how-do-I" hub here
If you want to know more about where this project has come from and outcomes from our consultation, you can visit the project page here.
I thank you for your ongoing commitment to making Fire and Emergency a great place to volunteer and work
Ngā mihi,
Russell Wood