
UFBA CEO Meetings with Brigade Reps

Issue date:

Over the next two weeks, Bill Butzbach, UFBA CEO is having his second round of online meetings with all UFBA Brigade Reps, by region. This time, we are also joined by FENZ Manager Volunteerism, Ryley Webster, who is keen to work with the UFBA to help FENZ provide better support for volunteers.

These bi-monthly meetings give brigades the opportunity to hear directly from the CEO about important UFBA projects and updates, and for members to share with us issues or challenges that they may be facing and want the UFBA to advocate for.

We’ll be talking about our work on the New Engagement Model (Agreements of Service) for volunteer fire brigades and the Donated Assets Policy Review. We also have a detailed list of items raised in previous meetings that we’re working on to address on your behalf with FENZ – such as training, rural inequality, uniform/PPE, and rank.

If your brigade doesn’t have a UFBA Brigade Rep appointed yet, we encourage you to do this ASAP, and be part of this kōrero.

Do you have something you want to share with us? You can either raise this with your Brigade Rep to bring to the CEO meeting, or “have your say, any day, with the UFBA” by emailing us connect@ufba.org.nz

Kia kaha, kia kotahi ra
Our strength is our unity